998 Search Results for Art in Bodies That Matter

Art and Photography Term Paper

Ansel Adams: An Analysis of the Importance of America's Most Popular Photographer Of all the great black-and-white photographers, Ansel Adams was the blackest and the whitest. -- Kenneth Brower, 2002 Today, Ansel Adams is widely regarded as the mo Continue Reading...

Body And/or Its Senses in Essay

We always find that personal library embraces its distinct structures as well as meanings, which can be either through mental traces or highlighting the answers and the questions that happens to thread through it. However, the bulk of an individual' Continue Reading...

Art History Passion Term Paper

Passion: overwhelming erotic love. Passion: zeal, intense interest in a thought, ideal, belief, person, or activity. Passion: anger, rage, fury. Passion: suffering. Perhaps most commonly used in reference to romantic, erotic love in modern culture, t Continue Reading...

Art Elizabeth Bishop's Poem, One Essay

The keys and the house are not in her possession any longer but the "cities, rivers, and caves" do not belong to her as they once did. This kind of loss, too, does not represent what the poet would define a disaster. However, true loss is explored i Continue Reading...

Art Imitates Life, but the Term Paper

This places a significant burden upon the labs and the forensic experts that prosecutors depend on to produce forensic evidence. The article explains that there is a serious problem associated with crime lab ethics, which has been heightened in rece Continue Reading...

Art And Science of Protection Research Paper

Protection Discipline The art and science of protection has evolved and transformed over the past decades where new levels of its requirements are in high demand. This structural shift in the needs for protection have also created the environment w Continue Reading...

Renaissance Art Essay

Art As Baxandall points out, "a fifteenth century painting is a product of a social relationship," (p. 1). That social relationship was carefully forged and affected by a confluence of interests including those that are commercial, cultural, religio Continue Reading...

Renaissance Art Essay

Art Cimabue's late Byzantine painting Madonna and Child Enthroned is on the surface and in many respects similar to Giotto's early Renaissance painting Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints. In fact, only a generation or two separated these two pa Continue Reading...

Visual Art Term Paper

Art In Titian's "Venus of Urbino," a nude woman reclines provocatively on a day bed, her shoulder propped up on pillows, her eyes staring directly ahead. A controversial painting because of its overtly sensual imagery, "Venus of Urbino" is inarguabl Continue Reading...

Modern Art Essay

Modern Art A primary concern of fauvism is the presence of strong colors. Fauvist works have relatively wild brushstrokes. The subject matter of fauvist painters is simple and often abstract. Fauvism is heavily influence by postimpressionism and poi Continue Reading...

Renaissance Art Term Paper

Renaissance Art Within the broad gamut of Renaissance art throughout Europe, two sculptures remain outstanding and worthy of mutual comparison. Those two works of art are Michelangelo's statue of David and Donatello's same. The latter is the predece Continue Reading...

Museums Bid for Bodies Term Paper

Speech: Museum's Bid For Bodies Good evening ladies -- and yes, good evening gentleman as well. Well, where should we begin? Ahhhh yes -- Are any of you aware of what a cadaver parade is? Have any of you ever actually heard of a cadaver parade? Le Continue Reading...

EVA Kwong and the Human Body Eastern Essay

EVA Kwong and the Human Body Eastern philosophy and culture are highly driven by an underlying sense of animism, which denotes that there is life and interconnectedness in all things. The trees, rocks, soil, air and even our own bodies are seen as c Continue Reading...

Egyptian Art: Glory in Death Thesis

On viewing extensive amounts of Egyptian art, the similarities between the subjects and styles is somewhat astounding to a Western eye, which is more trained to notice the different signs of individual artists. It easily becomes clear that though th Continue Reading...

19th Century Art During the Term Paper

Four men stand out as the penultimate figures of Post-Impressionism, namely, Georges Suerat (1859-1891), Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), Paul Gauguin (1843-1903) and Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), all of whom at first accepted the Impressionist methods and Continue Reading...

Los Angeles County Museum of Art Term Paper

Figurine of the Goddess Wadjet In the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, there is a sculpture in the Egyptian wing that depicts one of the Egyptian goddesses. The piece is entitled "Figurine of the Goddess Wadjet." It is located in Hammer Building Ro Continue Reading...

Funding or Defunding the Arts Term Paper

He also asserts that government participation in the arts beyond its role as a consumer can pose significant hindrances to the artistic processes. He claims that politics tends to "seek stability, compromise, and consensus," and as a result avoids s Continue Reading...

Renaissance Art Term Paper

Renaissance Art Renaissance literally means 'rebirth' and the movement was specifically about rebirth of cultural ideas, spiritual views and artistic expression. The term, first coined by Vasari in 1550, is now used for the period from mid 14th to m Continue Reading...

Egyptian Funerary Art of the Term Paper

vii). The image is a symbol for the mental concept that it represents. The more realistic representations found at the end of the Amarna period present the royal family as humans with emotions and feelings just like everyone else. This change in re Continue Reading...

History of Pop Art Essay

Mull over the relationship between art and popular culture since 1950. Focus your discussion on 3 or 4 artists. The world of art has seen two distinct trends in recent decades since the mid-20th century. On one hand, high art has become less centra Continue Reading...

Master of Mixing Art and Term Paper

The argument that I have been making is a twofold one. The first branch of this argument is that Pop Art, while it incorporates ordinary images and commercial motifs and tropes just as does commercial design, it does so in different ways and for di Continue Reading...

Cave Art Term Paper

Prehistoric cave art is considered to be man's original form of art, although its date of origin is still unknown. The art displays the effects of the cultures and surroundings that created them. Cave art found in Europe and Africa depicts the prehis Continue Reading...

Chinese and Japanese Art Term Paper

Chinese Art By the fifth millennium BCE, China had developed the basic elements that were to identify it as a civilization, such as social structure, agricultural skills and the domestication of animals (Schmidt pp). It was also developing concepts Continue Reading...

Paleolithic Art A Great Deal Essay

The animals people in the Upper Paleolithic used in their paintings were apparently chosen on account of the period they were living in. Animals such as red deer and reindeer were apparently predominant in colder eras whereas horses and bison were Continue Reading...

Visual Art Term Paper

Visual Art Vincent van Gogh was a 19th-century Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. The titles that have been given to each of his three paintings are Bedroom in Arles (French: La Chambre a Arles; Dutch: Slaapkamer te Arles). The Bedroom in Arles is th Continue Reading...

Michelangelo on the Art and Term Paper

Michelangelo, better than most of his contemporaries, who were students of the Florentine tradition, successfully used the natural beauty of the real world in order to honor God. Michelangelo's influence led to the development of Mannerism as a per Continue Reading...

Designing Art Gallery Term Paper

Impressionism: Introduction and Background Known for its radical departure from traditional aesthetics in painting and the decorative arts, Impressionism was a movement deeply rooted in its ideological, cultural, political, and sociological context. Continue Reading...

Baroque Art is Synonymous with Essay

Thus, the five faces in "The Return of the Prodigal Son" are somewhat blurry. The overall effect is much more intimate and gentle than the brash and obvious messages in Caravaggio's work. Moreover, Rembrandt invites the viewer to contemplate the sub Continue Reading...

Henri Matisse: Art Is Life Essay

He traveled to Africa, Spain, and Germany and even studied in Russia, where he was exposed to Islamic art. The Dance is one painting that captures a new direction and style of Matisse's painting. Here Matisse is focusing on a single act of humanity. Continue Reading...