647 Search Results for Fall of the Soviet Union the United

European Union and Turkey There Term Paper

S. have two different approaches. While the EU represents the "soft power" the United States is the proponent of the "hard power" (Kagan, 2003). However, it is considered that the issue of soft power is representative for the way in which states woul Continue Reading...

Culture in Czech and US Compared Essay

Gender in Post-Communist Society Consider the differences between gendered behavior in the Czech Republic and the U.S.A.… which socio-historical factors affect the Czechs' present-day gender identity and gender issues? Men are respected as th Continue Reading...

Why Did the Us Lose in Vietnam Essay

Vietnam War How was the war similar or different to previous U.S. attempts at "containment"? What were the key mistakes the U.S. made, in your view? What where the key turning points of U.S. involvement? Why did the U.S. lose the war? How was th Continue Reading...

United States Bomb Its Way to Victory Essay

United States Bomb its Way to Victory in Vietnam? What was John F. Kennedy's "New Frontier" in American foreign policy? What approach did his administration take to the Third World? The New Frontier policy was a plan to provide aid to foreign coun Continue Reading...

Realism and the End of Seminar Paper

S.S.R. stands the fact that civil strife is less dangerous if it takes place on the losing side that it is on the winning side (p99). Realists and Their Critics Predictive failure: realism through structural realism failed to predict the fall of th Continue Reading...

Cold War This is a Essay

They did not like the reforms or the way Gorbachev was running the country allowing all the freedoms -- glasnost and perestroika. They presented him with documents signing away his powers as General Secretary. Gorbachev exploded and ordered them to Continue Reading...

Cold War and the Conquest Thesis

They could do it time and time again with success. The first electric car was used on the moon during the Apollo 14 (Endeavor and Falcon) mission (Kennedy Space Center). Meanwhile in Russia While the space program in the United States was busy bec Continue Reading...

Cold War During World War Research Proposal

The U.S.S.R. eventually had its way in Eastern Europe as seen with the triumph of communism in countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. The U.S.S.R. even extended its communist influence in countries such China, Afghanistan and Cuba. The Eastern Continue Reading...

America in the Twentieth Century Essay

These tools have revolutionized not only the economics of the world, but also world politics and social affairs. Thus, the United States certainly became the leading economic power in the United States during the twentieth century. it's trade, multi Continue Reading...

Marshall Plan and the Post Research Paper

Thus, paramount American interests were to be presented as being really the interests of the Europeans themselves. It would be a situation wherein America was simply helping along people who were, at present, unable to adequately help themselves. T Continue Reading...

Politics and Figure (Art) When Term Paper

The poster was central to Lenin's vision of political transformation, and also the easiest way to convey his message to a largely illiterate population which did not care for paintings and monuments. By the year 1918, the new government began to pri Continue Reading...

Cold War After the End Term Paper

In fact, many people believe it was the final factor that led to disintegration of Soviet/U.S. relations, and directly led to the failure of the Moscow Conference of foreign ministers in March 1947. The conference had been convened in an attempt for Continue Reading...

Who's Afraid of Americanization? Essay

Americanized Cultures Is the world becoming ineluctably American? This anxious thought has taken off and occasioned substantial discussion in the twenty-first century. But in some sense, asking the question betrays a species of anti-Americanism alre Continue Reading...

Afghanistan War From All Appearances Thesis

" According to Banuri "...the inference drawn here is that since there are no inherent rules (or 'guiding principles') in the international system, states act upon their natural predatory instincts in order to prove the 'initial impetus' for conflict Continue Reading...


WALKING a MILE IN JOHN F. KENNEDY'S SHOES John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was a tremendously important figure in modern American history despite the fact that his presidency was cut short after less than three years by his tragic assassination in 1963 Continue Reading...

1960s Cold War Essay

Conceptions of the Cold War The Cold War was the time period following the end of World War II, when the world was basically divided between Communism on the one hand and Capitalism on the other. The West favored Capitalism and the East favored Commu Continue Reading...


S., Great Britain and the Soviet Union. However, due to Kennedy's assassination in Dallas on November 22, these negotiations stalled, especially when France and China refused to become parties to the new non-nuclear proliferation treaty. Thus, if Ken Continue Reading...

Ronald Reagan, the Fortieth President Essay

He fulfilled his promises to the American people and fulfilled his destiny as a transformational leader. Works Cited No author. (2008). Ronald Reagan. The White House. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/rr40 Continue Reading...

Political Science Future Roles of Term Paper

In the case of Europe this would necessarily take the form of energy sources that are not based on the use of petroleum. In many member states, such plans are already well underway. France obtains much of its electricity from nuclear power, while th Continue Reading...

Start the Fire: A Look Essay

Even in modern times, a disproportionate number of homeless people are Vietnam vets. Obviously, the Vietnam War had an impact on American history. However, the end of the Vietnam War had an ever greater impact on the American psychology. The Vietna Continue Reading...

Huk Rebellion Essay

War Since 1945 As far as we know, war has been a part of human history and civilization since prehistoric times, so for one to simply assume that a world without war is inevitable is indeed incorrect. War is part of the greatness of human history as Continue Reading...