942 Search Results for Internet Fraud

Medicaid and Medicare Fraud FRAUD Term Paper

Fraudulent activities such as these resulted in violations under the act, including a fine of not more than $25,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. Analysis of Current Fraud legal analysis of the current fraud committed in Continue Reading...

American Corporate Fraud Term Paper

American Corporate Fraud This new century began with great expectations. However, just as the door of the 21st century opened, September 11th shocked the world and bruised the economy. Then, followed the bankruptcy and corporate scandals of some of Continue Reading...

CEO Memo on Internet Use Essay

consultation done for a CEO of a Fortune 500 company regarding use of internet by its employees. The consultation will look into internet usage by employees and possible ways to reduce illegal use of internet at the workplace. Torts that the employ Continue Reading...

Battle Against Financial Fraud Essay

Financial fraud refers to the act of deceitfully and illegally taking money or property for personal gain. It is an ever-evolving problem with serious implications for individuals, businesses, and the economy at large. The variety of fraudulent activ Continue Reading...

Computer Crime Can Be Classified Term Paper

Phishing is another criminal technique used to cull bank account or credit card information. Lovet (2007) describes how simple and potentially lucrative phishing can be: "the total costs for sending out 100,000 phishing emails can be as little as $6 Continue Reading...

Cybercrime What's in a Name? Term Paper

In this scenario, "if a bad guy wants to take over an account, he'll have someone else speak in a different language in a different location, and that's all they do. Their expertise is calling financial institutions for social engineering" (Piazza 2 Continue Reading...

Identity Theft In America and Term Paper

Pharmers now not only small local servers operated by Internet service providers (ISP) but they also target the 13 servers on which all other DNS servers depend. Implications Businesses & Large Organizations: Among large scale businesses that Continue Reading...

Cybercrime Cyber Theft is a Term Paper

Think of a bank or mortgage company who is hacked, and the amount of personal data that can be downloaded and used elsewhere ("Cyber Investigations"). In addition, many hackers come into governmental or business computers and crash those servers, pl Continue Reading...

Cybercrime As Little As Ten Term Paper

Since the late 1980s, the Council has addressed the growing international concern over computer-related crimes. In 1997, it established a Committee of Experts on Crime in Cyberspace (PC-CY) to begin drafting a binding Convention to facilitate intern Continue Reading...

White Collar Crime Essay

White Collar Crime Theoretical Perspectives of Criminal Behavior Three broad theoretical models of criminal behavior have historically prevailed. These models include psychological models of criminality, sociological models of criminality, and biol Continue Reading...

Network Security Research Paper

Network Security: Past, Present and Future The work of Curtin (2007) states that a network is defined as "any set of interlinking lines resembling a net, a network of roads -- an interconnected system, a network of alliances." Quite simply a compute Continue Reading...

Patriot Act The USA Patriot Term Paper

com. Retrieved on November 24, 2004 from http://slate.msn.com/id/2088161/ 'The U.S.A. PATRIOT Act: Preserving Life and Liberty." (2003). Department of Justice. Retrieved on November 24, 2004 from http://www.lifeandliberty.gov/ Note: Synopsis and ou Continue Reading...

Business Law Cyber Crimes Essay

Cyber crime is an ongoing and growing problem for businesses, for government, and for private individuals throughout the world. This paper identifies the kinds of cyber crime that are threatening computer users, notably businesses. It also proposes s Continue Reading...