98 Search Results for NLRB Labor Relations National Labor

Collective Bargaining Case Study

Collective Bargaining The labor laws are encouraging unionization. This is because the state Labor Relations Board determined that the RAs have a right to form / join a union and they are entitled to collective bargaining. At the same time, the univ Continue Reading...

Union Management and Organization Term Paper

Union Management and Organization Historical and legal framework, which provides the foundations for the American system of labor / management relations The current system of American labor relations and laws has undergone significant transformatio Continue Reading...

Human Resources Management Research Paper

Human Resources Management If what is learned in an important college or university course is not put to use in some pragmatic way -- or understood in the larger social context -- then that learning may be viewed as meaningless time spent. No doubt Continue Reading...

Employees Use the 360 Degree Term Paper

A very important point is that online learning can be done individually or in groups (for example video conferences). 6. In general, in order to make a career choice one should be informed about the world of professions. Information about the profe Continue Reading...

RESPECT Act: An Overview of Research Paper

The new definition, critics contend, is nonsensical as "it would be highly unusual for any employee, even a Vice President of Human Resources, to spend more than 50% of his or her weekly time doing hiring, firing and disciplining employees" and dire Continue Reading...

Unions Get New Memberships A Thesis

This new generation of activists on college campuses nationwide has inspirited students to talk about their concerns about workers rights. This effort was also conducted largely through e-mail campaigns over the Internet. Some graduate students have Continue Reading...

Unionized Workplace Grievance Essay

Unionized Workplace A dispute occurred in a unionized workplace involving John and Eric who were both hourly employees in the finishing department. Jack has been complaining that Eric is trying to get him to quit so that Eric's friend can be employ Continue Reading...

What Are the Benefits of a Union Shop?

Union Organizing Issues What are the differences from the employer's viewpoint, in operating a union-free environment vs. A unionized environment? Eric Dontigney, writing in the Houston Chronicle for Demand Media, explains that while unions do prov Continue Reading...

Politics of Administrative Law Term Paper

Politics of Administrative Law An Examination of the Challenges Presented by NLRB vs. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. To the Political, Economic, and Legal Philosophies Developed from Munn vs. Illinois and Lochner vs. New York As the 19th century Continue Reading...

Union Songs

strikes are an important part of the collective bargaining process. This does not mean that a strike has to happen with every collective bargaining agreement, but the threat of a strike does create a certain motivation for management to negotiate. T Continue Reading...

False Claims Act is a Piece of Term Paper

False Claims Act is a piece of legislation from the U.S. Congress that allows any individual with knowledge of a fraud being perfected against any agency of the U.S. Government to file a claim on behalf of the Government against the individual or bus Continue Reading...

Employment Law Term Paper

This decision overturned the previous decision in Atkins v. Children's Hospital which held that a state maximum hour law was an unconstitutional infringement on the right of freedom of contract and hence a violation of the Due Process Clause. The ju Continue Reading...

Employment Law in New Jersey Essay

Employment at Will Policy: Exceptions to the Rule The notion of 'at will' employment reflects the fact that by law employees can be fired from any job for any cause, good or bad, depending on the whim of the employer, barring a written employment co Continue Reading...

Unions The Worker and Benefits: Term Paper

(AFL-CIO, 2011e) These are the benefits to workers from unions and the result when they are not allowed to have unions. There are problems and benefits to the business from unions rather than workers from the unorganized sector. The Business: From Continue Reading...

What Workers Wear Today Case Study

Autonomous Control of Starbucks Do you think the administrative law judge and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) went too far in overruling Starbucks? Why or why not? It definitely appears that the administrative law judge and the National Lab Continue Reading...

Employee Rights Essay

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Evolution of Employee Rights in the Modern Workplace This essay topic invites an exploration of how employee rights have changed over time, particularly in response to the shifts in the economy, technology, and socia Continue Reading...