998 Search Results for Cultural and Ethnic Differences the Importance of

Giger and Davidhizar Cultural Model Thesis

So the nurse has to understand, when giving directions as to medications or other therapies, what that culture's definition of "three times a day" or "first thing in the morning," etc. means to them. And explanations of which directions are flexible Continue Reading...

Cross-Cultural Issues Research Proposal

employee's cultural background has a direct influence on attitudes and job satisfaction. Research on cross-cultural organizational and human resource issues help management better understand and guide practice. The most cited cross-cultural work on Continue Reading...

Comparing Cultural Differences Term Paper

Learning Project As our nation becomes increasingly more diverse we will be presented with the challenge of understanding our cultural differences. The purpose of this paper is to develop and design a learning project that compares cultural differen Continue Reading...

Race and Racism Race is One of Essay

Race and Racism Race is one of the most complicated and interesting topics in the social sciences. In many ways, race is an artificial construct, since there is no single genetic marker differentiating one race from another and racial identities ch Continue Reading...

Models of Transcultural Care Research Paper

Nursing Theories Transcultural Care For the past several decades, nursing theory has evolved with considerable considerations towards transcultural care. The concept of culture was derived from anthropology and the concept of care was derived from Continue Reading...

Various Treatment Practices Research Paper

Multiculturalism The utterance of multiculturalism generally refers to an applied ideology of racial, cultural and ethnic diversity within the demographics of a specified place, usually at the scale of an organization such as a school, business, nei Continue Reading...

Managing Diversity Research Paper

Managing Diversity Diversity is a fact of American and International business and is a broader, more complex issue than one might initially believe. A universally vital element of global commerce, Diversity has spawned an abundance of theorists, jou Continue Reading...