999 Search Results for Liberty in Times of War

American History - Civil War Term Paper

The Role of Federalism, Foreign Tariffs and the Western Territories: The period before the American Civil war coincided with the evolution of the modern American federal court system, particularly with respect to the nature of the relationship and Continue Reading...

World War I, or the Term Paper

In addition, in Congress few voices spoke out against the war, since they wanted to use the war to end the IWW and socialism. Johnson and Tindall/Shi's books were sometimes difficult to get through, because of all the names and facts. I found mysel Continue Reading...

Revolutionary War I Am So Term Paper

I have always been loyal to the King, but is this how a king treats his subjects, by drawing weapons on them on a hillside? The colonists did not start this fight; they are here in response to the threat. Every real man wants to defend his homeland Continue Reading...

Vietnam War Explained Through the Term Paper

This ability to use the bipolar system to its advantage helped North Vietnam to win its war for independence and to take over South Vietnam in 1975. Realism not only fully explains the actions of each state in this conflict, but it also predicted th Continue Reading...

Precious Than Independence and Liberty Essay

Ho Chi Minh was highly educated and attended various universities around the world according to the literature from numerous sources including the Eastern Worker's University and Lenin School in Moscow. He was trained in Moscow involving revolution Continue Reading...

Kant, Rousseau, Liberty Give Me Term Paper

Rousseau offers a mix of philosophical notions of liberty with advice and opinions on how to structure a government that promotes equality and liberty, but not excessively so, that the will of the majority or strong overcomes the will or the rights Continue Reading...

English Civil War There is Thesis

" (Stoyle, 2005) While the hope was that following the retreat of the Scots was the "...resurgence of English power" would ensue, these hopes were in vain because in October 1641 "Ireland - whose inhabitants were simultaneously appalled by the prosp Continue Reading...

One War Essay

packet primary source documents drawn historical periods covered chapters 18-21 Give Me The historical situation that produced this primary source written by John Reed in April of 1917, "Whose War" was America's imminent participation in World War Continue Reading...

Global Terror War Policy Advice Thesis

Conclusion: The resolution of this policy counsel meeting is the endorsement of a refinement of Australia's terror policy with respect both to the preservation of constitutional rights and in terms of approach its relationship to the United States Continue Reading...

Civil War The American Civil Essay

Page updated June 1, 2002. April 23, 2009. http://www.civilwarhome.com/gordoncauses.htm Leidner, Gordon. "Causes of the Civil War: A Balanced Answer." Great American History. April 23, 2009. http://www.greatamericanhistory.net/causes.htm Litwak, Continue Reading...

Cold War, How It Came Research Proposal

His early thesis is that the U.S. was engaged in interventions long before the Cold War "broke out" - and those interventions (including those borne of Manifest Destiny) were based not so much on greed or empire building but on the ideology that all Continue Reading...

Cold War During World War Research Proposal

The U.S.S.R. eventually had its way in Eastern Europe as seen with the triumph of communism in countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. The U.S.S.R. even extended its communist influence in countries such China, Afghanistan and Cuba. The Eastern Continue Reading...

Just War Essay

Just War THE TWO FACES OF WAR The Theory The basic and universal sentiment is that war assaults people's rights to life, security, subsistence, peace and liberty (Lacewing, 2012). Some contend, however, that war is just under certain conditions, w Continue Reading...

World War I and World Term Paper

World War II or the Second World War occurred between 1939 and 1945 between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers (Wikipedia 2006). The Allied Powers were led by the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the U.S. The Axis Powers were led by Germany, Continue Reading...

Korean War Life As a Soldier in Essay

Korean War Life as a Soldier in the Korean War Life here in Korea has been unbearable and exhausting. I enlisted prior to the outbreak of war and had been stationed in Japan on security detail. The work was easy and had not prepared me for my deplo Continue Reading...

Nationalism Before World War I Term Paper

World War I Causes and Consequences of World War I World War 1 (Causes, America's Contribution to the War, Role of President Woodrow Wilson, Treaty of Versailles Failure) The First World War (1914-1918) or the Great War was fought between the All Continue Reading...

Drug Wars A Thin, Bloody Line Borders Essay

Drug Wars A Thin, Bloody Line Borders are artificial lines. Even when they follow natural divisions such as rivers or mountain ranges, borders are still artificial. They are imaginary lines that different governments (or other official groups of pe Continue Reading...

Mexican War So Far From Term Paper

As a reader, the setting descriptions that the author used created an atmosphere of being "present" during the war. The maps used have helped the reader follow the warriors and deal with the facts surrounding the U.S. war with Mexico. The book real Continue Reading...

Cold War The Heightened Tension, Term Paper

S. administration after Truman's adopted Kennan's policy of 'containment' or its variation as a cornerstone of their foreign policy right until the eventual collapse of Communism in 1989. ("Kennan and Containment" n.d.) References Bell, P.M.H. (200 Continue Reading...

World War II Book Review: Term Paper

It is key to understanding the author's view of love and even her own status as a woman and as a thinker. Of course, the book can simply be read as a love story of infidelity and sexual liberty gone wrong in the face of an ever-changing political so Continue Reading...

Civil War Marked a Pivotal Essay

Robert E. Lee was also an important general responsible for commanding the Northern Virginia regiment of the confederate army. Lee was interesting in that even though he was a confederate commander he was believed be against slavery. Lincoln's beli Continue Reading...