999 Search Results for Women Who Kill Their Children

Role of Women in Peacekeeping Term Paper

There are no interventions for women who face abuse or assault. Also, since the beginning of the conflict, there has been a dearth of women's input and participation in public life (Security Council). In Somali, war and civil conflict have resulted Continue Reading...

Abused Women Term Paper

abuse of women has grown to near epidemic levels. Some professionals think this may be because women are finally reporting the abuse that has always been. Abuse can start out as actions as seemingly harmless as name-calling or pushing, but over time Continue Reading...

Was Courtship Good for Women? Term Paper

courtship good for women? The Lais of Marie de France: Was courtly love good for women? The Lais of Marie de France chronicle the trials and tribulations of various women in love, as seen from a female perspective. Little is known about the life o Continue Reading...

Male Child Cognitive Development The Thesis

" (Anderson, et al., 2003) The study reported by Roberts, Christenson and Gentile (2003) provided a summary of a study that is unpublished but that states findings of a "positive correlation between amount of MTV watching and physical fights among th Continue Reading...

Violence Women Violence Against Women: Essay

Indeed, this explains why it is necessary to achieve a more open discourse on the implications of violence with specific and tangible reference to women and how they are impacted. Proper psychological profiling of those with aggressive tendencies t Continue Reading...

Asian Women South Asia Consists Term Paper

The women are anticipated to spend 80% of her reproductive years in pregnancy and lactation. A latest study undertaken by the New Delhi-based Center for Science and the Environment of the small Himalayan village of Bemru revealed that child birth in Continue Reading...

Medea's Speech to the Woman Term Paper

Medea is even further in exile, however, because she is in a foreign land without any of her ancestors to guide her. Her husband has abandoned her for a new bride, and she is being exiled from this city. Medea has been left completely isolated, exce Continue Reading...

Role of Women in Tibet Research Paper

The film Women of Tibet endeavors to give light on the probable happenings when in case two forces, the divine feminine and the sacred masculine commences to work together in a bid to create a more peaceful world. Helga Huebach ('Ladies of the Tibe Continue Reading...

Jealousy Among Men and Women Term Paper

This implies that the jealousy trait is in fact not evolutionary, since it is not always the same reaction (DeSteno, et al., 2002). In addition, DeSteno also found that, while women showed a slight tendency to rate emotional infidelity as worse tha Continue Reading...

Equality Women and Equality Women Term Paper

This does not mean that women are the nicer or better sex; women are definitely capable of misusing power. However, in comparison to men, women have less power and status in heterosexual partnerships, are less prepared for physical fights, or affirm Continue Reading...

Role of Women in the Term Paper

She suggests the contest of the bow and the axes, which allows Odysseus to reveal himself and put the fear of Zeus into the suitors. Odysseus gets the credit for his great feat of arms, but it is Penelope's idea. Homer is showing that though man is Continue Reading...

Therapy or Who Was in Therapy or Term Paper

therapy or who was in therapy or thinks that they should be in therapy. Having to seek professional help to come to terms with the psychological damage that has been inflicted on us by our natal families is assumed to be a hazard of modern life. Bu Continue Reading...

Abuse and Pregnant Women Capstone Project

Violence against pregnant women is a commonplace phenomenon and this research paper will explain the background of violence against pregnant women. Women undergo different forms of violence for instance, beating, threats, raping and unwilling prostit Continue Reading...

Biomedical Ethics Term Paper

Child Limit Laws Biomedical Ethics The debate regarding the right of having children against the importance of national family planning has raged for years. In the late 1960s, many strongly believed that a decline in fertility rates would slow popu Continue Reading...

Battered Woman Term Paper

Battered Women Rational of the Study In preceding years, numerous studies on the battered woman syndrome, or BWS, have been presented to sustain and expose the bitter realities on battered women. The rational of this paper is to present information Continue Reading...

Victorian Women Term Paper

Jude the Obscure," by Thomas Hardy, "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin, and "The Odd Women" by George Gissing. Specifically, it will show the Victorian women's struggle for emancipation, even if it meant dying for it. Victorian women had to live under Continue Reading...

Things Fall Apart Who is Essay

Smith hates the Igbo faith so much that he equates it to the Baal and the followers of Baal in the Biblical Old Testament. He has strict policy over conversion to Christianity such that any elder to decides to get converted to Christian faith must Continue Reading...