186 Search Results for Leadership Eisenhower and Leadership the

South East Asia Early American Term Paper

The goal was to eliminate the communist threat and stop "the domino effect" of South East Asian countries falling to the threat of communism. However, after over a decade of fighting and thousands of American deaths, the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam a Continue Reading...

Kill a Mockingbird (novel) by Term Paper

During this time all the defendants remain in prison. Finally, on April 1, 1935, the United States Supreme Court overturns the convictions of Patterson and Norris on the grounds that qualified African-Americans had been excluded from all juries in Continue Reading...

United States in the Aftermath Term Paper

Globalization has stripped the U.S. Of its stranglehold over manufacturing and forced it to readjust itself into a service oriented industry. As a result, education, training and specialization are more crucial than ever for the attainment of high p Continue Reading...

U.S. Foreign Policy in Southern Term Paper

" Regan was able to discourage Congress' previous prohibitions for aid to UNITA and instead launched into the covert plan to leverage American weight on the side fighting the Marxist supporters. The Soviet Union reacted quickly; Cuban expeditionary f Continue Reading...

Ronald Reagan and the Berlin Wall Term Paper

Ronald Reagan and the Berlin Wall More than any other single person, President Ronald Reagan was responsible for the destruction of the Berlin wall and the defeat of Communism. It was his policies as President of the United States (U.S.) that led to Continue Reading...

U.S. Role in the Present Term Paper

Double Standards: The U.S. role in the current Lebanese crisis is beset with blatant double standards. For example, the Bush administration has accused Syria of being in violation of the UN Resolutions and, therefore, liable for international sanc Continue Reading...

America's Longest War Term Paper

Vietnam Herring, George C. 1996. America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950 -- 1975. New York: McGraw-Hill. George C. Herring has laid out a comprehensive history of America's involvement in Vietnam. In addition to describing the ev Continue Reading...

Case Studies on FAA Term Paper

Federal Aviation Authority Brief Description Of The Case: The research study will make an effort to observe the related facts and figures of the Federal Aviation Authority of United States. The analysis of the details and structures of the organiza Continue Reading...

AFL CIO Term Paper

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), a federation of autonomous labor unions in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, and U.S. dependencies, was formed in 1955 by the merger of the American Federation Continue Reading...

US History and Politics Term Paper

Conservative American Presidents The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the return to conservatism in the American presidency after the 1980s. It will compare the similarities to earlier periods in the 19th and 20th century, and discu Continue Reading...

Social Impact of Cold War & Terrorism Essay

Social Impact of Cold War & Terrorism The Cold War is often associated with the idea of making great and physical divides between the good and the bad of the world. It was a symbolic representation that extended for about 30 years on the expecta Continue Reading...

Speech Analysis of "I Have Term Paper

King's introduction is blunt: "One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've com Continue Reading...