636 Search Results for Holy Spirit in the Old

Holy Spirit in the Old Thesis

" (Gen. 1:2.) The Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit is seen as the original creative force that creates all life. However, the reference to the Spirit in Gnesis also refers to its distance and potential separation from mankind. In times of sin and wi Continue Reading...

Holy Spirit In This Short Essay

These is no other evidence in the Gospels or in other areas of the epistles out side of Corinthians. Certainly, Acts is the foundation stone for all of the talk of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without Acts, there would be no other firm evidence o Continue Reading...

Holy Spirit and Salvation: A Term Paper

When we are feeling low, we can take comfort in the words of Paul: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). When we are pleased with how we a Continue Reading...

Holy-Spirit-and-Jesus Essay

Spiritual Transformation The topic of spiritual transformation will be grounded upon the ethics presented within the Holy Bible and the teachings of the Apostle Paul. There must be a solid foundation to build ethical principles on for a true transfo Continue Reading...

Spirit in the Church Term Paper

Pneumatologists and theologians have long sought to define the role of the Holy Spirit within the Christian faith. These scholars' understanding of the Spirit differs greatly, not only in terms of the role of the Holy Spirit, but also in terms of whe Continue Reading...

Preaching Power Holy Spirit Essay

Introduction To preach is to be called by God, to serve in the glorious undertaking of disseminating scriptural truths. Unlike any ordinary endeavor, preaching requires spiritual strength and conviction. Most importantly, preaching depends on the Gra Continue Reading...

Old Testament and New Testament Canon Essay

Orthodoxy and the Canon: There are several areas in the early church on essential issues such as the deity of Christ, nature, and humanity. This period of dispute was also characterized with the emergence of groups like Gnostics, which brought a co Continue Reading...

Doctrine of the Holy Trinity The Basis Essay

Doctrine of the Holy Trinity The basis of the doctrine of trinity is based on the "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit" epithet among the Christians. God is abundantly regarded as pure spirit who cannot be seen by the eyes of every p Continue Reading...

Messiah in Old Testament The Term Paper

In Genesis 3:15, God said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel." According to some biblical experts, this is an oblique reference to the c Continue Reading...

Christ's Use of the Old Testament Term Paper

Christian religion, the Old and New Testaments form a whole upon which its belief system is based. The transition between the Old and New Testaments resides in the person of Christ, who came to earth as the fulfillment of the Old Testament Messianic Continue Reading...

Old Oats is a Poem Term Paper

Abuse is a common problem today. It has always been around, but it used to be a secret. And the law wouldn't help the woman because "a man's home is his castle" was the rule. What he did inside his home was nobody else's business. Things have change Continue Reading...

John 5:13-21 Passage -- John Research Paper

Gnostics believed that they belonged to the "true church" of an elect few who were worthy; the orthodox Christians would not be saved because they were blind to the truth. Part E -- Content - if we then combine the historical outline of the "reason Continue Reading...

What is Biblical Theology Research Paper

Introduction The field of Biblical Theology is different from that of Systematic Theology with regards to its principle of establishment: that is, the former is historical and not logical. It commences with understanding the Scripture's historica Continue Reading...

Doctrine of the Holy Trinity Essay

Naturally he rejected the whole of the Old Testament and made a selection of his own from the New Testament Scriptures consisting of the greater Epistles of Paul and an edited version of Luke's Gospel. Tertullian dedicated five books to the denial o Continue Reading...

Evil and the Holy Cross Research Paper

Personal Theodicy Apologetics The problem of evil is something everyone has to face sooner or later. As Schlesinger points out, philosophers want to understand “why there is any suffering in the world at all.”[footnoteRef:2] The problem w Continue Reading...

Old New Testament Essay

Introduction For one to construct a biblical-theological framework to understand God’s and the church’s mission, as well as the church’s mission to the world, one should begin by understanding the unified Biblical narrative. The uni Continue Reading...

Person and the Work of Term Paper

It is this selfsame Holy Spirit that will serve to convict within the unbeliever and to work within that individual until that person comes to the point of opening the inner door for the Christ and then urging the same individual forth into fulfilli Continue Reading...

Book of Romans from the Term Paper

If it has not been deemed and declared wrong, it would not be wrong therefore could not be called a sin. The purpose of verse seven is to illuminate the fact that the law simply exposes the sins committed by man. The chapter explores exactly how t Continue Reading...

Dwight L. Moody Was Certainly Term Paper

For four long months God appeared to be just presenting himself. He found that he was motivated; he was not sermonizing for Christ; he was sermonizing for hope. He discovered the whole thing in his heart that should not be there. For four months a s Continue Reading...

Bible Book of Romans, Paul Essay

As such, we can never use our bodies for sinful purposes because doing so would equal death. "Serving sin produces death," whereas serving God produces the fruit of holiness, and in the end, eternal life," (Copeland 2009). As Paul puts it in the boo Continue Reading...

Danny Lovett, a Professor at Term Paper

Overall we are the vessels by which God does his work in this world, and this is ultimately the most important thing that we can do, therefore to interfere in his overall plan by asserting that our physical demands and ambitions are greater than Go Continue Reading...

Biblical Mission Term Paper

Christian Church acknowledges its missionary function as truly the core of Christianity, the heart of the Church. Through Christ's teachings, mission is the foreground of His legacy to the Church, the instrument for redemption. The guiding principle Continue Reading...

Passover Theme An Analysis of Essay

The Jews, of course, were as antagonistic to hearing Stephen preach the life of Christ as they were to Christ Himself -- Who is the way of salvation, and Whom they have rejected. Stephen's speech is fiery and full of love and fury -- love for Christ Continue Reading...

Global Changes in the Missiology Term Paper

" It caused missionaries to deal with peoples of other cultures and even Christian traditions -- including the Orthodox -- as inferior. God's mission was understood to have depended upon human efforts, and this is why we came to hold unrealistic univ Continue Reading...