743 Search Results for Obama and the Media

Obama and the Media Peer Reviewed Journal

Media/Obama The Media and Obama Since the day President Barack Obama took office, the media interest in him has been intense. As the first African-American president, he was already an anomaly, and then he got involved in things like social media, Continue Reading...

Media If 911 Had Not Happened Do Essay

Media If 911 had not happened do you think the Summer of the Shark would have become the Year of the Shark? If not, what do you think the next big story would have been? (search news sites and other online references to find other news stories that Continue Reading...

Media Coverage of the 2012 Term Paper

One can be certain that many millions of dollars will flow through the hands of right wing fundraisers like Karl Rove into attack ads against Obama's reform legislation, called "Obamacare" by many who oppose it and even by some who have embraced it. Continue Reading...

Media and Political Process Term Paper

Media devices are particularly influential when considering the way that they can manipulate the masses in developing thinking that they would not otherwise put across. The International Crisis Group online article "Deja Vu All Over Again? Iraq's Esc Continue Reading...

Media Literacy Thinking About Media Essay

In fact, this is something that Obama discusses openly in his book, Dreams of My Father. In that book, Obama discusses the fact that his stepfather is Muslim and how he believes his stepfather's religion helped shape the man that he is. However, tha Continue Reading...

Media Bias in the International Thesis

Although the BBC does not openly criticize the war in Iraq, as in the New York Times article, it tends to express its opinion in a more subtle use of language and presentation. 5.0 a Comparison of News Agencies All of the news agencies explored in Continue Reading...

Media Consumption Essay

Media In a one day diary of media consumption, it becomes evident that many of my interactions with the world are via media. I receive most of my information through media forms as well. Even when relaxing, media is something that drives the process Continue Reading...

Media Influence on Society In Research Paper

Today, the modern media are so thoroughly integrated into our lives that the ubiquitous and instantaneous availability of information means that the media now influence, rather than merely report the news. By the end of the first decade of the 21st Continue Reading...

Media During Wartime The Media Thesis

Unlike other wars, this was not against the armies of a nation, but a cohort of individuals who were driven by an ideology (Islamism). This army knew no boundaries and did not use conventional tactics of war fare. Even when the Taliban were imprison Continue Reading...

Media The Issue Itself and Term Paper

One reporter for the New York Daily News rants, "Come on, let's be serious…if anything is clear, it is that the trip of the famous couple to Havana has exposed the travel ban as what it is: a senseless, anachronistic and anti-democratic policy Continue Reading...

Media and Society Essay

Media & Society Media can have a strong influence on society. Media has the ability to shape how people view the world, how they perceive different issues and media can also have a direct influence on behavior in society as well. With political Continue Reading...

Obama Vs. McCain One Issue Thesis

He writes, "Barack Obama has charisma and charm but in terms of character, values and understanding, he is no Jackie Robinson... The basic difference between Sen. Obama, Wright and leftist professors is simply a matter of style and language" (Willia Continue Reading...

Media Audiences Essay

New Media Implications The improvement of internet and other technology and its ready availability to more and more people has revolutionized the structure and population of the media around the world. People that would normally be members of the au Continue Reading...

Obama's Energy Policy Term Paper

Obama energy policy in relation to the economy of the United State of America's 21st century economy. It begins with a general description of the policies and then proceeds and outlines the various elements of the policy. After the analysis the pape Continue Reading...

Media News Research Paper

Multisource Comparison: British vs. American newspapers and journalistic styles The popular stereotype that 'the British' are more erudite, well-spoken and intelligent than Americans persists, as can be seen in the tendency to bestow a British acce Continue Reading...

Obama Campaign Barak Obama is Thesis

While these respondents talking this poll did not live in the United States, this is an indicator of how Obama's worldwide perception. Obama's site tells the typical political story. On the front page, there are two ads attacking John McCain and hi Continue Reading...

Obama Vs Trump Essay

Obama vs. Trump On 7th September, 2018, Barack Obama, our former president, went against a long held tradition whereby former presidents avoid directly criticizing their successors. Amongst other things, Obama blamed the sitting president for taking Continue Reading...

Media and Others Suggest That Essay

However, most financial experts think that given the need to further stimulate the economy to decrease unemployment, the Obama Administration has little choice but to continue to spend at a deficit. Unless there is job growth, income derived from ta Continue Reading...

Media Culture Term Paper

Communications Media -- Media Culture Stories Covered Meet the Press June 24, 2012 (NBC) The mainstream news program, Meet the Press June 24, 2012 (NBC), focused primarily on some of the different views about the most important needs of the nation Continue Reading...

Media Coverage About Healthcare Essay

Healthcare is a Right In recent history the debate over whether healthcare should be considered a privilege or a right has regained momentum with Obama who has lead an effort to reform healthcare and introduced the bill known as the Affordable Care Continue Reading...

Barack Obama in Political Time Term Paper

Unemployment stands at a respectable 4.6%. Well, fine. But the other side of the ledger groans with distress: a tax code that has become hideously biased in favor of the rich; a national debt that will probably have grown 70% by the time this presid Continue Reading...

Terrorism Media in a Minimum Pages ( Essay

Terrorism Media in a minimum pages ( including title reference pages): Discuss broadcasting terrorist activities successes psychologically impacts individuals (e.g., victims, recovery teams, responders, general population). Terrorism is one of the m Continue Reading...