303 Search Results for Steve Jobs and Leadership

Steve Jobs and Leadership Essay

According to Fred Vogelstein in his anecdotally-driven “And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’,” Steve Jobs was a very driven leader—determined to unite showmanship with performance, and he manifested this determi Continue Reading...

Steve Jobs Leader Term Paper

Leadership One of the most influential business leaders of the last century is Steve Jobs. Jobs helped his technology firm Apple, Inc. rise to fame and outpace competitors through the duration of his tenure. He has been called a "business genius," a Continue Reading...

Steve Jobs Remarkable Career Essay

Steve Jobs Remarkable Career There are two current events that make a discussion of Steve Jobs career an especially interesting endeavor. The first is that the co-founder and notorious Apple visionary stepped down as the company's chief executive (Z Continue Reading...

Steve Jobs Leadership Style Research Paper

Steve Jobs was a visionary leader, who preferred a centralized command structure in order to execute his visions. He rallied people around his vision, getting a high degree of buy-in, and in the process was able to build a leading consumer products c Continue Reading...

Steve Jobs As the Best of the Essay

Steve Jobs as the best of the 10 Best Leaders of 2005. In fact, it was not him but his partner who created the Apple and Jobs was shown to have expropriated some of his ideas -- including the original idea for Apple from others. More so, one can cla Continue Reading...

Steve Jobs Leadership Principles Essay

Introduction Leadership is an important trait that influences personal and organizational success. It relates to the ability to establish a vision and set the direction for other people. Leadership is not always about creating what a team should do t Continue Reading...

Steve-Jobs-and-Chipotle SWOT

SWOT Resource and Capability Ethics and Social Responsibility Fundamental principles of ethical leadership comprise of having honesty and integrity, taking note of all stakeholders, building community, and respecting the individual. Leaders ought t Continue Reading...

Steve-Jobs-and-Apple Chapter

Apple Culture Change Apple has been through many transformations and cultural shifts throughout its interesting history. The company was founded in a garage in the 1970s and later became the most valued company in the world. Needless to say, there h Continue Reading...

Was Steve Jobs Innovative or Creative? Essay

Steve Jobs: Innovative or Creative? The difference between creativity and innovation is rather subtle. Indeed, the two words have in the past been used interchangeably. To determine whether Steve Jobs was innovative or creative, we would first have Continue Reading...

Leadership Case Study Mo Abudu Essay

Leadership is difficult to quantify; studying it empirically is not a simple task, because so many different variables can be considered as the potential result of leadership. If we want to evaluate the leadership of a given CEO -- for example, to a Continue Reading...

Apple's Marketing Strategy Steve Jobs Essay

There are many changes affecting business operations of companies; producers change their production method to save on cost and to maximize on revenue, consumers' tastes and preferences do change. Apple's marketing environment face the following cha Continue Reading...

Leadership is a Complex Subject Essay

The integrative approach is almost always used in real world leadership. No leader succeeds solely on the basis of traits, solely on behaviors or solely be adapting to situations. Leaders use all of the tools at their disposal. Consider Apple under Continue Reading...

Global Leadership Term Paper

Global Leadership Find a video clip of a global leader exhibiting a specific competency, then define and expand on the competency and explain how you see it displayed. Competent Leader - Steve Jobs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAdih-bnjBQ This Continue Reading...