999 Search Results for Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy

Couples Counseling and Social Work Essay

.....therapy can exist within a framework that is similar to individual therapy, but deviates to fulfill specific objectives. These objectives often consist of helping couples open lines of communication and promote feelings of intimacy. The first st Continue Reading...

Therapy Approaches Couples Counseling Essay

CBT and EFTCBTCognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on how thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors influence an individual\\\'s emotional and mental well-being. It is a goal-oriented approach that aims to help individual Continue Reading...

Couples Family Therapy Essay

IntroductionLittle C, a pre-adolescent boy, has been brought in by his parents for therapy regarding his behaviors. The scenario in this case calls for family-based treatment. On this front, I will be the co-therapist. Towards this end, this text see Continue Reading...

Couples and Family Therapy Term Paper

1. Legal and ethical considerations regarding the family circumstances The man, hit the woman a couple of times because a man called her. He is on probation and was referred by his probation officer. He needs to handle his temper because if he does n Continue Reading...

Structural Family Therapy Chapter

Structural Family Therapy Individuals who plan to spend the rest of their lives together are charged with the task of crafting a life together. Where do they get the blueprints for building this life together? How do two people know how to join toge Continue Reading...

Conjoint Family Therapy Research Paper

Conjoint Family Therapy What is Conjoint Family Therapy? Family therapy, also known as conjoint family therapy is a technique or a subfield of psychotherapy which basically focuses its attention towards helping couples and families cope up with the Continue Reading...

Adlerian Therapy As with Other Term Paper

That is to say that the video does not really address the crux of the problem as much as it enunciates the communication skills of the therapist. Adlerian therapy is a more comprehensive and thorough approach, which involves understanding the self- Continue Reading...

Sex Therapy Term Paper

Sex Therapy The efforts in the form of behavior modification with a view to solve the problems in sexual interactions are known as sex therapy. Sex problems most common in the present environment affect the couples in their sex lives and adversely r Continue Reading...

Family Therapy Term Paper

Family Therapy The objective of this case study was to conceptualize the couple's difficulties from two theoretical perspectives and then describe what the best approach to treating them would be based on the perspective for each theory as it pertai Continue Reading...

Marriage and Family Therapy Essay

Marriage and Family Therapy Issues and Ethics in Family Therapy: Psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote that, 'We may define therapy as a search for value." In providing counseling for our patients not only are we providing a system of healing and Continue Reading...

Cog Beh Therapy With Respect to the Essay

Cog Beh Therapy With respect to the businessman who comes to see the therapist about the problems in his marriage, there are two issues immediately apparent from the brief case history. The first is the man's unwillingness to accept any responsibili Continue Reading...

Art Therapy and PTSD Art Research Proposal

Children need special attention when dealing with traumas they might not fully understand. Thus art therapy has been proven to benefit the increasing number of children dealing with PTSD and other trauma related disorders creating fear and anxiety w Continue Reading...

Behavior Therapy Term Paper

Evolution and Development of Behavioral Therapy The 20th century approach to psychology is notable because, while there was an emphasis on the medical approach to treating psychological disorders, there was also a focus on nonphysiological therapie Continue Reading...

Examining Online Therapy Essay

Online Therapy Services The first online therapy site that this paper will examine is the site known as Betterhelp.com. This site assists people in dealing with some of the obstacles and challenges that life presents them with. This site asserts tha Continue Reading...