Setting Up Your Classroom to Essay

Total Length: 600 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The article suggests that the teacher looks at the classroom through the eyes of an ADHD student, rather than through his or her own eyes, and monitors the environment with an eye upon the types of distractions that can overwhelm the consciousness of an ADHD child. It also stresses the need for the teacher to remain constantly upon his or her 'toes' and look for potential pitfalls to the child's success, such as overly chatty neighbors. Children who discourage rather than reinforce the ADHD behaviors should surround the most distractible students in the classroom.

Keeping the room at an appropriate temperature will facilitate learning for all students, as well discouraging the use of 'toys' from home. However, while these suggestions may be valuable, it could be argued that a 'dull' and unstimulating environment could actually make it more, rather than less difficult for the child to concentrate, given the inability of the environment to hold the child's full attention.
Also, the other children in the classroom still need to get the message that learning can be fun -- eliminating bright posters and group activities would seem counter-productive to the class' learning goals. I would prefer to carefully choose group assignments to ensure that more distractible students were paired with more focused children and not with their best 'friends.' I would like to structure the day so that students were less likely to be bored, by shifting tasks and even shifting the children's position physically in the room to different work stations, so long as those different areas only contained materials that were devoted to completing the assigned task.


"Setting up your classroom to help ADHD children." ADHD in school.

Retrieved November 7, 2010 at "Setting up your classroom to help ADHD….....

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