Vitruvian Man the Concept of Thesis

Total Length: 1302 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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However, starting from this, Leonardo was able to use this conclusion in his mathematics work and "rationalize irrational geometry of square root of 2."

The rationalization mentioned in the previous paragraph is not only related to the proportions that exist between the different body parts, but also to the easiness with which the square and circle can be constructed and how these two perfect geometric shapes are correlated. As such, the drawing initially starts with the square. If rotated by 45 degrees, the square will result in a vertical geometric projection of itself. The difference between the extremity of the projected square and the side of the initial square will form the diameter of the circle. Calculated in palms, the area of the circle is 660 palms, while the area of the square is 576 palms. This makes for the differences between the two areas 84 palms, important because of the relevance of the figure 4 as a mystic number.

Much of the manuscript containing the drawing of the Vitruvian Man suggests the mystical importance that Leonardo attributed to the existent proportions in the human body. The text itself was written in mirror writing and Leonardo's idea with the Vitruvian Man was to interrelate man and nature, to project internally, from nature to the individual the existent proportions at a macrocosmic level.
At the same time, his aim was also to conduct the study at a microcosmic level, much easier to perform, and then extrapolate his findings in nature, understanding that the realities in existence at the level of the human individual may also be valid in a macro perspective.

In fact, the Vitruvian Man, both in its Antiquity and Renaissance form, reflects the constant quest of mankind for perfection, be it in art, architecture or the human body. Knowledge of human anatomy made Leonardo look for proportions both in nature (in the perfect geometric forms most notably) and in the human body. At the same time, one must remember that this is generally a time of superstition, a time when alchemy was very popular and where correlations were not only looked for, but sometimes simply believed to be there.

The Vitruvian Man remains one of the most well-known artistic symbols of history. Starting with the experiments of Vitruvius and continuing with Leonardo's work, the capacity to correlated different sciences to create an eclectic approach to nature and to the human body, as part of nature, were perhaps the best results that the Vitruvian Man proposed. Starting with the understanding for the human body and the way it was shaped, one could them move on to understanding the environment that surrounded man.....

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