718 Search Results for Ethical Leadership Describe Each Study

Ethical and Legal Issues Essay

Ethical and Legal Issues The Court Appointed Special Advocate program (CASA) has been touted as one way of: preventing abused and neglected children from becoming lost in the child welfare system. As, this nonprofit organization is focused on findin Continue Reading...

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy Essay

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy Industry The ethicacy of corporate behaviors are influenced by a myriad of factors yet most strongly reflect the internal culture, alignment of leadership to vision, and accumulated trade-offs made by managemen Continue Reading...

Ethics in Leadership Essay

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that is suitable to motivate change given that leaders set examples to be emulated by their followers. A moment of transforming leadership that I have initiated involved my work in a community project Continue Reading...

Nursing-Leadership-and-Nursing Term Paper

Mentorship in Nursing Leadership and the Effects of Evidence-Based Practice: An Integrated Literature Review Nursing leadership has been identified as a major contributor to the outcomes of the organization, the nurses, and the patients. Mentoring i Continue Reading...

Leadership Styles Essay

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important needs in any organization. Leaders provide guidance, support, vision, direction, decision-making, and accountability. They inspire workers and help to motivate them by fulfilling their needs and in Continue Reading...

Ethical Theories in Nursing Essay

Nursing Ethical Theories Ethical Theories in Nursing Significance of Moral in Nursing Deontology vs. Utilitarianism Deontology Utilitarianism Justice Ethics vs. Care Ethics Justice Ethics Care Ethics Rights Ethics Conflict of Rights Ethica Continue Reading...

Ethical Goal of Education Research Paper

principals who are equity-oriented, marginalized dynamics may crop up in schools that are changing demographically at a rapid pace (Cooper, 2009). This essay reflects upon how educators may play the role of transformative leaders by way of carrying Continue Reading...