739 Search Results for Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing

Marketing in Schools Discuss the Case Study

These drawbacks include lack of awareness of how sugary-based, high fat food products affect children's weight and cardiovascular health, lack of coordination with key stakeholders on health goals for children, and implicit approval of persuasive in Continue Reading...

Marketing In the Simplest Terms, Term Paper

It remains important, however, that the company does not violate any of the prevailing laws with respect to marketing. Laws concerning false advertising and intellectual property (especially trademark) violations must be paid due attention when deve Continue Reading...

Ethics and Television How Has Essay

First, they evaluate the truthfulness of the message. Next, they evaluate the authentic of the persuader. Third, they determine the persuader's level of respect for the persuadee. Fourth, they examine the equity of the persuasive appeal. Finally, th Continue Reading...

Ethics and Decision Making With Thesis

In the former approach, tradable goods, money or services are exchanged between buyers and sellers at a rate that is agreeable to all parties. This approach assumes both the buyers and sellers have enough money, services or goods to have their needs Continue Reading...

Marketing Research Ethics in the Term Paper

Cigarettes became popular among World War soldiers as "soldier's smoke (Randall 1999)." Camel held 45% of the U.S. cigarette market by 1923 while Philip Morris produced women's cigarette, described as "mild as May." The American Tobacco Company pro Continue Reading...

Marketing Plan for Digital Camera Assessment

The approach Sony continues to take is one of concentrating on continual process improvement to become more agile and resilient in the face of environmental factors (Olenick, 2010) while at the same time seeking to comply with national requirements Continue Reading...

Social Business and Retailer Dissertation

business2community.com/social-media/2012s-ten-worst-social-media-Disaster-0370309 Using contemporary illustrative examples from academic literature and reputable business publications, discuss the concept of "Social Business" and the resultant oppo Continue Reading...