Essay Examples

essay examples

Students learn in a bunch of different ways; in fact, what is helpful for one student may be detrimental to another student.  Unfortunately, our modern educational system is structured in such a way that it only supports one or two major learning styles.  This approach means that writing is taught in a very rote manner; with students being told rules to follow, but not necessarily given additional information for how to follow them.  Furthermore, K-12 education focuses so intensely on expository writing that many students enter colleges and universities without having ever been asked to complete any other type of writing assignment, and, sometimes without ever having been exposed to any type of non-expository academic writing.   The result is an entire generation of students with very little experience or exposure with the different types of academic writing necessary for higher-level academic success.  While some colleges and universities have wonderful writing departments that are willing to work with students to achieve competency in these writing areas, others are frustrated by the lack of preparation and blame the students.

For students who learn by example, our free essays examples are a fantastic way to bridge that knowledge gap.  We have thousands of essays across hundreds of topic areas.  By reading these essays, our customers can familiarize themselves with upper-level writing conventions and see how to properly apply them in an academic context.  Rather than expecting students to extrapolate from the expository process to the more nuanced works required in college, our examples show students exactly what they need to do to complete a particular type of assignment.  You can use these documents to brainstorm topics and titles, help you with the introduction or body, get ideas for an essay hook, or even find quality resources.  We think that free essay examples are an invaluable resource for students and invite you to see how they can help improve your writing.


Abortion Pros and Cons Essay

Abstract Abortion refers to the termination of the pregnancy and most members of society tend to feel strongly and often myopically about their opinions of abortion. This paper will examine the complex and multi-faceted history that the United States has had with abortion as well as the pros and cons of this procedure. This essay will take a long look at the reasons that motivate those who support abortion and those who do not. It is hoped that this deep analysis will not only strengthen one’s ability to think critically, but allow compassion and common understanding to thrive in society. Continue Reading...

Net Neutrality Essay (Free Example)

In this essay about net neutrality, we provide an overview of what net neutrality is and why it is a current political issue.  The essay will define net neutrality.  Furthermore, it will describe the pros and cons of net neutrality, including reasons that net neutrality is beneficial and ways that it could be detrimental. The essay will discuss the current legal status of net neutrality, as well as the potential future of net neutrality.  In doing so, the essay will discuss some figures, including head of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai.   In addition to giving you an overview of Continue Reading...

Robert Mueller Investigation Essay (Free Example)

In this essay about special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, we provide an overview of the information available at the time of publication about that investigation.  The essay will explain who Robert Mueller is; what the investigation is trying to find; and why the investigation was instigated.  In addition, the essay will discuss the latest news, as of May 21, 2018, about the investigation.  In addition to discussing the Mueller investigation, the essay will provide you with a technical guide for writing academic essays.  In addition to being formatted in an appropriate academic Continue Reading...

Globalization Essay

Globalization: Advantages, Disadvantages and Concerns This essay discusses globalization and how social commentators and historians act like globalization is a new concept, but it’s not. It’s something that has occurred between nations for as long as nations have interacted. According to the SUNY Levin institute, “Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development, and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world (2018). Continue Reading...

Culture Essay

This essay examines the meaning of culture and provides several possible titles and topics that may be used as starting points for developing a paper on culture. It discusses the definition of culture, how culture is developed, and how cultures change. It shows how cultural identity and cultural differences are formed and how culture diversity is a fact of life. It also explains why in spite of diverse cultures commonly existing in one group there is usually a dominant culture that comes to the fore and is promoted by the leaders of the group. The essay closes with recommendations for Continue Reading...

Juvenile Delinquency Essay

Introduction In the past, there was no such term as “juvenile delinquent” or “juvenile delinquency” within the justice system. As frightening as it is to consider, over a hundred years ago, children who committed crimes were thrown into prisons with adults and some children were even sentenced to corporal punishment or even death (, 2000). Reformers of the justice system were the ones who pushed for a distinct court system for the treatment of juveniles, with the underlying notion being that these young people could potentially be helped and reformed. “Central to the concept of juvenile court was the principle Continue Reading...

Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

College athletes devote a lot of time and energy to athletic competition—so much so, in fact, that they are routinely considered athletes first and students second (especially since for parts of the year their role in sports actually obliges them to miss classes).  And because college sports is a huge industry today, college athletes provide an extraordinary source of revenue for these universities.  Yet for all the work and time and energy that student athletes put into their game, whether it is basketball or football, these athletes do not receive any pay for the services and entertainment they provide to Continue Reading...

Facebook Data Breach Essay

In this Facebook data breach essay, we discuss how Facebook allowed applications to mine user data.  The essay will explain what data was breached, how it was breached, and how that data was used.  Furthermore, the essay will also discuss the repercussions of the breach, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s hearing in front of the United States Senate, issues involving Cambridge Analytical, and information that is being revealed about additional data breaches. In addition to explaining the data breach, the essay will also discuss whether Facebook has a responsibility to users to keep data safe, and the steps that Facebook Continue Reading...

Bitcoin Essay

  The finance world is finally abuzz with news of bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. What are cryptocurrencies, and what do potential investor need to know about them? This bitcoin essay offers a brief background of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, also referring to the blockchain software that underlies them. Then, it explores what financial analysts say about the viability of bitcoin as an investment. Finally, it will explain how and why people purchase bitcoin, as well as how bitcoin can be used as both currency or as investment. Because they are taking the financial world by storm, is important to learn Continue Reading...

Dark Web, Darknet, Deep Web Essay

In this dark net essay, we will investigate the dark net.  We will describe what it is, what it is not, and how to access in it.  The essay will contain information about how the dark web became a way to engage in criminal activity, including: buying and selling drugs; buying and selling weapons; buying and selling fake IDs; trafficking in counterfeit goods; and buying and selling credit card information, social security numbers, and other information necessary for identity theft.  The essay will delve into some of the history of the dark net, including the founding of Silk Road, and Continue Reading...