Vitamix Blenders Marketing Communication Plan

  • Last Edited: December 19, 2018

1.  Vitamix Blenders

2. Positioning strategy

-Vitamax blenders are positioned as health and strength enhancing products
-Competitors’ products are usually positioned in accordance with their lower prices, or with the convenience of their use
-Other competitors position their blenders based on esthetic features

3. Communication objectives

-Promote the benefits of using Vitamax blenders
-Increase awareness on these products
-Encourage purchase and usage
-Develop an emotional link between customers and Vitamix blenders
-Build and maintain brand and customer loyalty

4. SWOT Analysis

-wide product range
-products can be used at home or in a business
-high quality
-esthetic aspect
-can be used in preparing numerous foods and drinks

-customers have little knowledge of them
-high levels of investments in communicating the products are required

5. SWOT Analysis (continued)

-selling Vitamix blenders at the gym: very good sales environment
-online marketing
-social media

-numerous competitors on the blenders market
-competitors invest significant amounts of money in their marketing strategy

6. Integrated Strategy Statement

-The value that Vitamix blenders provide to customers relies on improving the health and strength of their lifestyle through high quality, innovative products at affordable prices.
-Rational benefits: high quality, innovation, modern design, various uses, easy to use, affordable prices.
-Emotional benefits: company’s interest in customers’ wellbeing, trust, user friendly experience.

7. Print Ads

8. Budget Allocation

9. Public Relations Activities

-Organize and sponsor different contests within the gym
-Sponsor different sports competitions
-Organize sessions for revealing how Vitamix blenders work and what can be achieved by using them.

10. Direct Marketing and Sales Promotion

Direct marketing activities:

-Vitamax branded calendars, notebooks, and other stationery
-direct emailing to the gym’s clients
-branded articles on the gym’s website

Sales promotion activities:

-reward customers with free products on a regular basis

11. Measurement and Evaluation Plan

-Develop focus groups
-Customer surveys
-Inquiry tests

12. References

1. LoBianco, J. (2012). The Small Business Benefits of Focus Groups, Customer Interviews and Qualitative Research. The Washington Post. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from

2. Rogers, J. (2012). Customer Surveys: 5 Things You Need to Know. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from

3. Freeman, E. (2014). The Advantages of Social Networking Promoting a Business. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from

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