-Vitamax blenders are positioned as health and strength enhancing products
-Competitors’ products are usually positioned in accordance with their lower prices, or with the convenience of their use
-Other competitors position their blenders based on esthetic features
-Promote the benefits of using Vitamax blenders
-Increase awareness on these products
-Encourage purchase and usage
-Develop an emotional link between customers and Vitamix blenders
-Build and maintain brand and customer loyalty
-wide product range
-products can be used at home or in a business
-high quality
-esthetic aspect
-can be used in preparing numerous foods and drinks
-customers have little knowledge of them
-high levels of investments in communicating the products are required
-selling Vitamix blenders at the gym: very good sales environment
-online marketing
-social media
-numerous competitors on the blenders market
-competitors invest significant amounts of money in their marketing strategy
-The value that Vitamix blenders provide to customers relies on improving the health and strength of their lifestyle through high quality, innovative products at affordable prices.
-Rational benefits: high quality, innovation, modern design, various uses, easy to use, affordable prices.
-Emotional benefits: company’s interest in customers’ wellbeing, trust, user friendly experience.
-Organize and sponsor different contests within the gym
-Sponsor different sports competitions
-Organize sessions for revealing how Vitamix blenders work and what can be achieved by using them.
Direct marketing activities:
-Vitamax branded calendars, notebooks, and other stationery
-direct emailing to the gym’s clients
-branded articles on the gym’s website
Sales promotion activities:
-reward customers with free products on a regular basis
-Develop focus groups
-Customer surveys
-Inquiry tests
1. LoBianco, J. (2012). The Small Business Benefits of Focus Groups, Customer Interviews and Qualitative Research. The Washington Post. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-small-business/post/the-small-business-benefits-of-focus-groups-customer-interviews-and-qualitative-research/2012/08/22/b98d6578-ec9c-11e1-aca7-272630dfd152_blog.html.
2. Rogers, J. (2012). Customer Surveys: 5 Things You Need to Know. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/27/customer-surveys-5-things-you-need-to-know_n_1263811.html.
3. Freeman, E. (2014). The Advantages of Social Networking Promoting a Business. Retrieved February 5, 2014 from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-social-networking-promoting-business-21990.html.