1000 Search Results for Terrorist Organizations and Its Threat

Intelligence Community: A History of Thesis

This would create a reactionary agency which, rather than gathering intelligence to the extension of its security, would approach what would come to be known as the 'containment theory,' using whatever resources and tactics were at its disposal to d Continue Reading...

Cruiseline Industry Term Paper

Future of the Cruise Line Industry The cruise line industry, along with the entire travel segment, suffered considerable losses in revenue immediately following the September 11, 2001 World Trade Tower attacks. This drop in ticket sales, coupled wi Continue Reading...

Implementing Blue Ocean Strategy Term Paper

Strategy Concepts -- From Planning Through Analysis and Implementation The Concept of Strategy Strategy is about change and response to change. Competitive strategy cannot stand still (Eisenhardt, 2002). Competitive strategy must establish differen Continue Reading...

Business Risks -- Overview of the Risk Essay

Business Risks -- Overview of the Risk Environment There are various types of business risks in the business environment, and these risks, of course, can differ from environment to environment depending on the type of business or organization. The s Continue Reading...

History of Cyber Crimes Essay

Cybercrime, Cybercriminals, And Cybercops Cybercrime Cybercrime has long been perceived to represent new crimes arising from the emergence of technological advancement, but an examination of the history of cybercrime reveal that its roots are as an Continue Reading...

War in Iraq Term Paper

invasion and occupation of Iraq from three different perspectives. Firstly, the paper provides a historical background pertaining to the interest of energy-hungry countries such as France, America and Britain. The paper also provides a brief backgro Continue Reading...

Iran Intelligence Essay

Iran Intelligence In many ways Iran has learned to do what other developed nations have done to protect their interests: try to specialize. This is exactly what it has done in regards to its intelligence and war capabilities. It now has a diverse mi Continue Reading...

Role of Project Management As Essay

Q2.Differentiate between administrative, technical and physical security controls (safeguards) and give an example of each. Administrative controls relate to the procedural elements of risk mitigation, including avoiding lapses in policies, proced Continue Reading...

Southwest Airline Has Emerged As Term Paper

Alternative Strategies. The company should focus on expanding its service trans-North America, and should further look into the possibility of launching trans-Atlantic operations. The company at the same should start dealing with Boeing for the pur Continue Reading...

Latin America the National Period Term Paper

Latin America: The National Period Under serious threats to a country's national security, it is unavoidable to commit some abuses against freedom of the press and individual rights." In his book, "Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number" Ja Continue Reading...

Military Defense Spending Term Paper

Military Spending In today's society, military spending is on the minds of American citizens more than ever. With the constant threat of terrorism and imminent war on the horizon, the United States government is spending billions of dollars on drast Continue Reading...

Joint Operations Research Paper

Going forward, threats to U.S. national interests are likely to increase, even as the list of increasingly bold adversaries continues to grow by the day. Geopolitical shifts are also likely to threaten globe peace and order. Threats to the national i Continue Reading...

Project-Manager-and-Risk Essay

Dream Vacation Although a true dream vacation would be longer than five days, I do understand that I am on a tight schedule. If I only budget for five calendar days, including the day I leave home and the day I return, I can still make it to London, Continue Reading...

Islam and America Research Paper

Jewish values neither ban the rights of abortion, nor do they allow undiscerning abortion capabilities (Yadgar, 2006). Women who are the solitary carriers of their babies have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies; however in Judaism, Continue Reading...

Positive Aspects of Immigration Essay

Pro-Immigration Policies The illegal immigration issue is one of the most divisive in the nation. Generally, those who oppose relaxed immigration rules express concerns that it contributes to the vulnerability of the nation to terrorists and drug m Continue Reading...