Essay Writing Tutorials

essay writing tutorials

Is there anything more frustrating than getting an assignment that leaves you scratching your head in confusion, wondering how to approach it?  We have all been there.  In fact, no one becomes a great writer unless he or she tackles assignments that are challenging, frustrating, and new.  However, while completing a particularly challenging assignment might make you a better writer, the process can create a tremendous amount of anxiety for the average student.  Instead of focusing on completing your assignment, you might be wondering if you are approaching it correctly, what mistakes you are making, and what kind of impact it will have on your grades.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and let us help you.  We have a number of essay writing tutorials aimed at helping students understand the challenges of various types of writing assignments.  Most of our essay writing tutorials focus on past and present current events, reflecting the types of assignments students are likely to encounter in their own course work.  Using these tutorials, students can improve their own writing.

Our tutorials come in multiple formats.  We have some simple Q&A style formats that address the questions and issues that our customers experience most frequently.  If you are having a particular writing challenge, such as how to write a lengthy essay, how to properly use a particular citation style, or how to tackle a specific type of essay, these tutorials can provide you with invaluable information and guidance.  We also have tutorials that focus on example essays, providing annotations to some of our most popular example essays so that you can understand why a writer made specific choices when writing that assignment.  Combined together, these essay writing tutorials can help you meet any challenges you face, make better grades, and become a better writer.


How to Make an Essay Longer

Have you ever been relieved to finish a writing project, only to discover that you were paragraphs or even pages short of the required length?  Most of us have.  We have probably resorted to all types of tricks to try to figure out how to make an essay longer.   If you are only a little short, you may be able to use those tricks, such as adding in some filler to stretch your essay to the required length.  However, if you are paragraphs or pages short, then if you you’re your paper with fluff, the likely result is a lowered Continue Reading...

Compare and Contrast Essay

This guide will provide you with the knowledge needed to write an amazing compare and contrast essay.  This type of essay is a super easy way to discuss two or more related topics or subjects that may have some similarities but also have some big differences.  Good subjects for this type of essay are all around us:  Bernini’s David and Michelangelo’s David, for instance; or Southwest Airlines’ organizational culture and Google’s; or President Obama and President Trump.  No matter how you look at it, there’s nothing new under the sun and nothing so unique that it hasn’t been done before. Continue Reading...

How to Write a Perfect Process Essay

What does a recipe for a Thai green curry have in common with a step-by-step guide for how to fix a broken faucet? And what to both of those have to do with a description of how a bill becomes a law, or how plants metabolize sunlight into food? All of these are examples of process essays—essays that explain how to do something or how something is done. A process essay in its most basic form tells the reader how to do something—anything–outlining each step in the process. It may be helpful to think of all “how to” process essays Continue Reading...

Life-Changing Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  If you are a student, you can expect to encounter the compare and contrast essay. Your assignment may overtly ask you to compare and contrast two topics or it may use other language, such as asking you to point out similarities and differences or to explore how two or more different things treat or approach a particular concept or theme. You may also be asked only to compare or only to contrast.  You may also be asked to compare and contrast and then use that information to support a third concept.   Therefore, before you start your essay or pick Continue Reading...

Classification Essay Writing Made Easy

If you were assigned a classification essay and do not know where to begin, don’t worry, it’s actually one of the easier types of essays you can write and is a great way to improve your writing skills. So you can use the classification essay assignment as an opportunity to make your writing better. With a few simple guidelines you can also make your classification essays great. What is a Classification Essay First, what is a classification essay anyway? Sounds dull and boring but it doesn’t have to be. A classification essay just means that you are writing an essay Continue Reading...

How to Write a Hook Sentence

Ironically, it is difficult to write a hook sentence for an article about hook sentences. Any grand, overbroad claims would be little more than lies, because, despite what some people will tell you there is no magical formula for writing the perfect hook sentence. You cannot diagram a hook sentence and then substitute in other nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to craft another hook sentence to fit into a different writing project. Instead, you have to consider multiple factors and then tailor your hook, based on those factors. In this article, we will teach you how to write a hook Continue Reading...

Descriptive Essay Topics

Virtually nothing is off limits when you go to write a descriptive essay.  Your subject can be something as ordinary and mundane as a pencil or a desktop, or something as exotic and wild as an African safari or a trip to the Ganges.  The best descriptive essay topics are those that you can or have directly experienced.  To write a description requires a lot of imagination—the ability to summon up a sense of the experience of engaging with the subject.  If you have experienced this engagement already, you’re better equipped to convey this experience to another.  However, if you’ve Continue Reading...

Literature Resource Center

Our literature resource center offers a brief overview and introduction to world literature. While many English-language literature courses focus solely on novels written by English-speaking writers and from a Western-perspective, world literature courses take a global perspective, including novels written about different countries and novels by authors who were raised in those countries along with novels written by English-speaking authors about the English-speaking world. Taken as a whole, these novels offer insight into life around the globe. World Literature Reading List World literature reading lists change from university to university and professor to professor, but here are some of the Continue Reading...

Leadership Essay Writing Guide

Leadership essays explore the concept of leadership. They can take multiple formats. You may be asked to explore an approach to leadership, describe a time when you took on a leadership role, or describe your experience with a leader that you admired. You may also be asked to describe a failure in leadership, whether yours or someone else’s. You might be asked to select a leadership style and explain why it is the best approach you can take for your future or simply why it is superior to other approaches. Therefore, although your essay may be labeled a leadership essay, Continue Reading...

Abortion Essay Writing Guide

Abortion; not only is it one of the most divisive issues in American politics, but it is also one of the most commonly assigned essay topics. Professors take different approaches to the topic. Some might ask you to write an argumentative essay supporting either the pro-life or pro-choice positions; others may ask you to write an expository essay explaining those positions; and some might even suggest that you decide what approach to take to the topic. However, whatever type of essay you are asked to write, you will be expected to back up your position with facts that bolster your Continue Reading...