Essay Writing Tutorials

essay writing tutorials

Is there anything more frustrating than getting an assignment that leaves you scratching your head in confusion, wondering how to approach it?  We have all been there.  In fact, no one becomes a great writer unless he or she tackles assignments that are challenging, frustrating, and new.  However, while completing a particularly challenging assignment might make you a better writer, the process can create a tremendous amount of anxiety for the average student.  Instead of focusing on completing your assignment, you might be wondering if you are approaching it correctly, what mistakes you are making, and what kind of impact it will have on your grades.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and let us help you.  We have a number of essay writing tutorials aimed at helping students understand the challenges of various types of writing assignments.  Most of our essay writing tutorials focus on past and present current events, reflecting the types of assignments students are likely to encounter in their own course work.  Using these tutorials, students can improve their own writing.

Our tutorials come in multiple formats.  We have some simple Q&A style formats that address the questions and issues that our customers experience most frequently.  If you are having a particular writing challenge, such as how to write a lengthy essay, how to properly use a particular citation style, or how to tackle a specific type of essay, these tutorials can provide you with invaluable information and guidance.  We also have tutorials that focus on example essays, providing annotations to some of our most popular example essays so that you can understand why a writer made specific choices when writing that assignment.  Combined together, these essay writing tutorials can help you meet any challenges you face, make better grades, and become a better writer.


Research Paper Example

In this article, we’ll provide you with a perfect research paper example that you can use to help you write your own. From this example, you’ll learn the following: How to format your paper How to title your paper How to write an introduction and craft a thesis How to cite sources How to write the body of the paper How to conclude your research paper And how to write a References or Works Cited page For a paper written in MLA format, you’ll want to include the following information in the upper left hand corner of your paper, double-spaced: Continue Reading...

How to Write a Research Paper Outline (2 easy approaches)

There are many types of research papers.  In this article we’ll discuss two basic approaches.  The first is the general research paper outline.  It consists of the standard introduction, body, and conclusion.  The second is the more rigorous research paper outline.  It breaks down how a longer research paper should look—such as a thesis or dissertation with chapters and headings. Research Paper Format Approach #1:  The General Outline The general research paper outline consists of an introduction with a thesis statement, the body of the paper, and a conclusion with a recap of your main points. The introduction should not Continue Reading...

How to Write a Research Paper

Writing a research paper is a great way to hone your skills in composition. It’s also a good opportunity to become acquainted with scholarly data. There are a lot of opinions about the proper way to proceed when it comes to doing research and writing the actual paper. Some say to do the investigation first, take copious notes, lay them out, brainstorm about how to put them all together, and then start writing. We say there’s a better way. In this article, we’ll lay out an easy-to-follow 10-Step Guide for crafting a great research paper in a short amount of Continue Reading...

How to Write an Informative Essay in 3 Steps w/ Example

Looking for the inside scoop on how to write an informative essay? Here’s the skinny: an informative essay is just a way to help your reader better understand a particular subject. In this article, we’ll explain how to do exactly that. We’ll also provide you with links to some sample informative essay topics and outline. At the end of this article there is also an excellent informative essay example for you to see. So get ready—we’re about to reveal to you the secrets of how to write a winning informative essay! Definition / What is an Informative Essay? An informative Continue Reading...

How to Create an Effective Informative Essay Outline

Okay, so you might think it’s impossible to create an informative essay outline in under a minute—but it’s really not! Here’s what you need to know: an outline just tells the story of your essay in a bare bones format. Think of a book or film you like. How would you describe it if you were on a bus and had only 10 seconds to tell another person heading for the door what it was all about? Maybe you’d say something like this: Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl moves away. Boy goes to war. Girl Continue Reading...

55 Informative Essay Topics (Your Professor will Love)

So now you need to write an informative essay but don’t have a good informative essay topic! No biggie—we’ve all been there. Take a breath, close your eyes, clear your mind and relax. Let your brain wander a bit. Now stop—what ideas are coming to your head? Most likely they are the things you like and care about. So why not write about them? That’s the key to writing a great informative essay: Write about a subject you enjoy. To get started, just pick a topic that interests you and begin listing the things you know. You’ll probably want to Continue Reading...

Term Paper: Easy Guide on How to Write One

Are you freaking out about a term paper, essay, or research paper? You are not alone. Many students find academic writing assignments very intimidating. This is particularly true if the assignment is an unfamiliar one or involves an unfamiliar topic. Most modern K-12 writing is in the form of expository essays. Therefore, many college students, even those who did very well in their K-12 ELA courses, are freaked out by the idea of writing a term paper. Don’t worry; we are here to help. In this easy how-to-guide, we will take you step-by-step through the term paper process. From telling Continue Reading...

How to Write a Persuasive Essay w/ Examples

Sure, you’ve read an op-ed in The New York Times.  You’ve seen an opinion piece here or there, or heard someone trying to persuade somebody else of something somewhere.  But what do you really know about writing a persuasive essay?  We all know what it looks and sounds like.  We see persuasion all the time, everywhere we look:  in papers, advertising, or on the TV.  Yet seeing it and doing it are two very different things.  Just because you watch a YouTube video of a mechanic taking apart a carburetor doesn’t mean you can do it too.  You need the Continue Reading...

How to Write a Thesis Statement & Examples

Writing a thesis statement is one of the most important parts of composing an essay.  It has to be there.  It’s the street sign for your essay:  it tells the reader where it is going.  Without it, the reader might get lost and have no idea where the paper is supposed to take him. The thesis statement also helps you, the writer.  It allows you to keep things clear and organized.  It helps you to know exactly what your topic is and what you should be writing about. In this article, we’ll look at how to write a thesis statement.  Continue Reading...

Free Essays to Help You Write

Students are always looking for help when writing their academic college essays.  Whether you are searching for a specific essay topic, a title for your paper, or relevant sources to be used in the document, our website provides all the information you need to help you write a paper of high quality.  In this article, we will not only discuss what free essays are and how to use them, but we will provide you with examples on all the most popular topics, which were all completed in 2017 – meaning they have the latest information and resources. Definition Before we get started you first Continue Reading...